Flowcharts Navigation Pane

Main Window

Click the Flowcharts option in the Navigation Pane.

Mandatory Prerequisites

Prior to accessing the Flowcharts view, refer to the following Topics:

Screenshot: Flowcharts View - example Lease Review Flowchart


Flowchart List: this is a list of the Flowcharts to view.


Flowchart Viewer: this displays the currently selected Flowchart. Click on an icon to go to that particular application.


Flowchart Tools: this displays the associated Tools ie. reports and other related applications, for the currently selected Flowchart. Click on an item to go to that particular application.

How Do I : Load an Application from a Flowchart

  1. Select a Flowchart from the Flowchart List area.
  2. Click on an icon in the Flowchart Viewer panel or an item in the Flowchart Tools area.

Related Topics

Flowcharts are associated with the following Topics: